
It is normal to sweat however excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) occurs when the body doesn’t need to cool down.

Although there is no cure for hyperhidrosis, at The Good Skin Company we can help you manage the condition through wrinkle injections which can be used to block sweat glands in a targeted area. The injections themselves have been proven over the years to be extremely safe and reliable. Because they are made of nothing more than purified protein, there is very little chance of any potential side effects.

There is no recovery time needed after receiving treatment, though we do recommend avoiding hot showers, saunas or strenuous exercise on the day of treatment.

Below are some frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Wrinkle injections are made up of a natural protein known as Botulinum toxin.

  • Wrinkle injections are made up of a purifying protein that can inadvertently block sweat glands in a targeted area.

    These injections don’t do the body any harm whatsoever.

  • Results can last upwards of 6 - 9 months depending on how susceptible to sweating you are.

  • A very fine needle is injected into the targeted area. The procedure usually takes about 15 minutes, but this depends on the area being treated. A topical anaesthetic can be applied if necessary, but is very rarely required.

  • Mild redness, pain and swelling may be present at the site of the injection, this should subside within a few hours and can easily be concealed with make-up. The chances of a complication arising are very small and the injections are generally considered a safe procedure.