Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

As we age our bodies produce less collagen and elastin, especially in the skin of the face. As we lose this elasticity (intrinsic factor) lines and wrinkles begin to appear. This process is further complicated by extrinsic factors such as our environment (sun exposure), our lifestyle (such as excess alcohol and smoking) and disease.

Laser treatments, dermal fillers and other topical products can all be used in order to target these problems. PRP however, takes a completely different approach by using platelets from your own blood in order to stimulate cell growth and regenerate tissue to help you naturally achieve a rejuvenated, toned and glowing appearance.

Below are some frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The procedure itself takes no longer than 90 minutes. A small amount of your own blood is taken and then spun in a special machine (centrifuge) so that the blood cells separate from the platelets and plasma. The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is then injected to rejuvenate, tighten and brighten, dull and tired-looking skin.

  • Platelets help to heal injured tissue or damaged skin. Upon injection into the skin, platelets release this protein which triggers surrounding cells to stimulate repair, increasing volume and rejuvenating the skin. This creates a tightening effect on the treated area and enables patients to achieve a more beautiful skin.

    PRP can be used on fine lines around lips, nose, mouth, sagging skin in neck, crows-feet, loose skin around eyelids and hair growth on the scalp. It also treats acne scarring and skin wounds such as burns.

  • It is recommended that you have a course of 3 or 4 treatments over a 6 month period to get the best results from your PRP treatment. However, some patients report improvement in the appearance and texture of their skin within days of just one treatment.

  • The treatment involves a couple of different stages including having blood taken, plasma injected into the face and the use of a dermal roller to finish. Your practitioner will administer topical anaesthetic in order to minimise any pain.

  • Your practitioner will fully discuss with you any risks and contraindications at your initial consultation. After the procedure the treated area can appear red in colour but this will minimise within 24hours. Slight swelling or bruising may occur but you will receive full aftercare advice when leaving the clinic.