Wrinkle Injections

Facial lines are a result of using our facial muscles to make expressions, such as frowning and squinting. The use of wrinkle injections is ideal for those wanting to achieve a smoother and more youthful complexion by relaxing unwanted lines and wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes.

A thorough consultation prior to having wrinkle injections is compulsory prior to any treatments and will allow you to discuss the various treatment options available.

Below are some frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Wrinkle injections are made up of a natural protein known as Botulinum toxin. It has remained a popular choice of treatment in aesthetic medicine for many years due to its effectiveness at treating unwanted lines and wrinkles on the face.

  • Botulinum toxin acts by blocking nerve signals to the facial muscles to prevent them from contracting. The relaxed muscles give the skin a smoother appearance.

  • Lifestyle and individual factors will impact the duration of the results of wrinkle injections. As a guide, results are usually visible from about four to ten days and usually last three to four months, sometimes even longer.

  • A very fine needle is injected into the area where the lines and wrinkles appear. The procedure usually takes about 15 minutes, but this depends on the area being treated. A topical anaesthetic can be applied if necessary, but is very rarely required.

  • Mild redness, pain and swelling may be present at the site of the injection, this should subside within a few hours and can easily be concealed with make-up. The chances of a complication arising are very small and muscle relaxing injections are generally considered a safe procedure.